Big, small or wanting to grow? 
Studio Andi´s pictures are a celebration of those he meets; from portraiture to documentary and editorial work. He places the human experience front and centre, giving his subjects the attention they deserve. Working with a nuanced subtlety in his style, it becomes evident how Andi’s portraits and images remind us that photography is a device for unexpected encounters and inquiry.

Andi’s approach to photography is shaped by a search for authenticity and letting the moment speak for itself. Based in his early love for documentary photography, he remains committed to being both present and humble in his process. Whether working on a large-scale commercial shoot or a one-on-one portrait, Andi is committed to capturing something truly authentic and effortless.

+35840 7168485
Työpajankatu 10 C B5 (2krs.)
(Next to Kalasatama Metro Station)
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